
Equine Bio Genie

Leaders in Equine Environmental Health.Veterinary Grade Products & Services.Trusted by Professionals

“I am delighted to be working with Equine Bio Genie as they are pioneering the development of equine bio security which can only be a positive for the health of my horses. It is easy to overlook the environmental impact on our horses but given the all to frequent outbreaks of infectious disease it is important for me have the best protection for my horses.” - Zara Tindall

Equine BIO Genie provide us with the peace of mind that we are keeping our horses environment in optimal condition. We focus on every aspect of our horses welfare in order for them to perform at their best and the environment in which they live is no exception.
Equine BIO Genie products and services represent the Gold standard in Biosecurity having been rigorously tested in equine conditions. The provision of products suitable for use around horses and humans alike, that have superior efficacy and zero environmental and health impact to the horse is critical and unique to EBG.
Trusted by the top Equine hospitals and veterinary practices, and providing a 360 degree solution to combat all bacteria, viruses, fungi and spores that can affect the horses health both at home and away, means you don’t need to look anywhere else for the treatment of AIR, SURFACES and WATER.”

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